
How Do Porn Stars Cum so Much?

how do pornstars cum so much

Like most men (and some women), you’ve probably watched a fair amount of porn and, if you’ve ever wondered how porn stars shoot such impressive loads, you’re not alone in that, either! 

It’s a common question, and the answers may surprise you. So join us as we examine the facts, and find out the answer to the burning question: How do pornstars cum so much? 

We’ve even included some tips for you to maximize your volume and teach you how to cumshot like a pornstar.

What This Article Covers:

How Do Male Porn Stars Have so Much Cum?

Just how much can a guy cum anyway? Most guys can fill about a teaspoon with their ejaculate. This is perfectly normal for the average guy, so don’t let those porn star guys make you feel inadequate because it doesn’t mean you have low semen volume. They have tricks of the trade that you may not be aware of.

Is It Real?

So, how do porn stars jizz like champs? Is it real or fake? 

While some makers of porn films do stoop to faking cum shots and other action, much of what you see is real. But how do they do it? We got the lowdown from the stars themselves. We checked it’s backed up by science!

how do porn stars cum so much

Healthy Lifestyles

It may surprise you, but many male porn stars live very healthy lifestyles. 

This helps them have more stamina and also shoot loads with higher volume and greater force. Most of these studs recommend a combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and natural, semen-boosting supplements like Semenax pills.


Pornstars abstain in more ways than one to achieve their amazing nuts. 

Alcohol also plays a role. Sorry, guys, but abstaining from alcohol is best for higher volume, higher sperm count, and – some say- a better taste. Your partner will appreciate that! 

The other factor that most pornstars mention is spacing out your ejaculations. A wait of at least 24 hours or more is your best bet for how to ejaculate longer and stronger.

It Takes Work

So, there you have it. Male porn stars aren’t just naturally blessed with huge amounts of cum. 

They work at it, and you can too, but more about that a bit later. 

First, let’s consider why cumshots are so important anyway.

Why Do Porn Stars Cum So Much?

Okay, so now we know the ‘how’, but what about the ‘why’? Why are high-volume cumshots the goal? The reasons are quite simple. 

how do male porn stars cum so much

Visual Arousal Cues

The visual effect of monster-load cum shots is mostly due to its effect on arousal. Also, it helps male viewers identify with the man in the video. The male pornstar displays his prowess via the cum shot. This makes it seem more real, and therefore more believable.

Display of Male Prowess

As for reasons why you would want to cum on your partner’s body instead of in it, there are of course different reasons for different situations. A lot of the time, it comes down (yes, that pun was intended) to the need for showing your prowess. This has a major effect on your partner’s view of you, too.

How to Ejaculate Like a Porn Star

We’ve examined the reasons why pornstars shoot big loads, and how they claim to do it. Now let’s look at ways you can do the same. These are the top 5 ways we identified how to produce more cum.


This one is easy, but it takes willpower and determination. Eat healthier foods, especially semen-producing superfoods. What are some of those foods that increase seminal fluid volume?

  • Bananas: Yes, bananas are good for your banana! Their potassium facilitates testosterone production.
  • Asparagus: This is a natural aphrodisiac
  • Garlic: It contains allicin, which improves blood flow to your sex organs and improves sperm mobility.
  • Dark chocolate: It contains L-arginine for more sperm productivity.
  • Walnuts: Nuts are good for your nut. Walnuts contain arginine; very helpful for producing more sperm.


This one’s not quite so easy, but if you want more impressive loads of cum, you’ll do it. Get off the sofa and start working out, at least 2-3 times a week. 

If you want a normal amount of sperm production, cut out alcohol and drugs. They’re not great for your health, anyway. You’ll live longer, and you’ll have better sex.


Try to space out your ejaculations as the stars suggested and, yes, that includes masturbation. 

This may be how to have the best ejaculation ever. Abstaining for a while (don’t worry, a couple of days is fine) will give you time to stock up on a bigger load.

Exercises for Ejaculation Force

There are many exercises you can do to learn how to cum harder, too.

Kegel exercises, and techniques such as edging, are extremely effective in improving your ejaculation strength. This is especially useful for mature men, who don’t have the cumming force they had in their youth.


This last one isn’t only easy, we’ve got what you need right here! Supplements can play a big role in improving your performance and stamina. It’s also what produces more sperm. If you take the right stuff, you’ll have more of the right stuff.

You’ve probably all seen advertisements for pills that make you cum more. A lot of the time, they contain dodgy ingredients, and can’t guarantee success. So stop wasting your time and money on products that just don’t deliver.

how do male pornstars cum so much

Results from 2 Weeks!

Our Semenax capsules are guaranteed to increase your semen volume and improve your orgasms. You’ll start to see results in as little as two weeks, and best of all – it’s all-natural. So you don’t have to worry about any weird chemicals. 


With the right information, the right product, and the right attitude, you too can learn to cum like a porn star. 

Soon you’ll be saying “Watch out porn stars, here I cum!”. 

Start implementing our tips right away, and soon you’ll impress your partner with your sexual performance.

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About Thomas Arkenis

Avatar photoThomas is a natural health enthusiast and our resident journalist. He's an avid contributor to various traditional medicine conferences and forums, Thomas stays on top of the latest industry trends to bring you the latest product and ingredient innovations.

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