Unlike some of the other more common sexual disorders, it isn’t that easy to know how to fix retrograde ejaculation.
Most men who suffer from dry orgasms don’t immediately assume that the culprit is retrograde ejaculation.
Of course, it’s easier to assume that you have an issue with semen production than think your semen is being pushed into your bladder during orgasm.
Many people aren’t even aware that semen can travel elsewhere during orgasm, making it hard for men to seek the correct type of medical help.
Because the issue isn’t widely diagnosed, it’s not widely discussed and treated eiher. Luckily, we’re turning the tables on that and will provide you with everything you need to know about retrograde ejaculation.
We’ll look at the underlying causes as these are directly associated with treatment procedures. We’re also going to tell you exactly how common it is.
What this article covers:
How to Fix Retrograde Ejaculation
What Is Retrograde Ejaculation?
Retrograde ejaculation simply means that the muscles that prevent your ejaculation fluid from entering your bladder fail to contract.
Ejaculate and urine both get ejected through the urethra.
However, during ejaculation, the same muscles that allow you to hold your urine until you’re ready to urinate, prevent the ejaculate from entering your bladder and exiting through the tip of your penis.
They’re also the muscles you want to exercise if you want to learn how to hold in ejaculation.
However, at times, they may remain relaxed and the semen won’t be ejected and end up in your bladder instead.
What’s the Impact of Retrograde Ejaculation?
Retrograde ejaculation may sound serious, but it actually isn’t a serious condition. You’ll still be able to have an erection and experience an orgasm and unless the presence of ejaculate is a serious turn-on for you, it won’t interfere with your sexual pleasure.
Guys who want to know how to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation usually pursue treatment as a means of improving their sex lives.
This is because knowing how to hold your cum longer is directly associated with increased sexual pleasure for both men and women.
This is why a variety of supplements, such as ProSolution+, have been developed to assist men with these conditions.
This supplement can help you maintain an erection for longer and help you last longer in bed, which will directly increase your sexual confidence and the pleasure you derive from sex.
However, retrograde ejaculation has little influence on the time it’ll take you to ejaculate. As a result, it doesn’t really affect men’s sex lives as much.
You can still experience sex as you did before, just with the absence of seminal fluid.
However, there are no real benefits either. It’s not going to teach you how to stay hard after you cum and won’t result in multiple orgasms.
It also won’t influence how long it takes to recover after ejaculation very much.
Also, retrograde ejaculation doesn’t feel any different from normal ejaculation, making it hard to detect unless you’re observing the absence of seminal fluid during orgasm.
In short, sex will still feel the same and retrograde ejaculation is only problematic if you’re trying to conceive or if the idea of not producing semen reduces your ability to experience pleasure during sexual activity.

How Many Men Suffer from Retrograde Ejaculation?
The statistics of how many men are affected by retrograde ejaculation, overall, aren’t clear, but research shows that this affliction affects about one in every 200 men who have fertility problems.
This is because retrograde ejaculation is often only diagnosed in men who seek fertility help.
When retrograde ejaculation is suspected as the cause of dry orgasms, the doctor will ask you to masturbate until the climax and provide a urine sample.
The sample will then be tested for the presence of sperm. Doctors may also ask questions about your medical history and do an exam of the penis, testicles, and rectum.
Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation
Surgical Causes
Retrograde ejaculation often occurs as a result of certain surgeries, most commonly after bladder and prostate surgery.
The condition is specifically prevalent after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) surgery, which is a treatment for an enlarged prostate.
In some cases, it develops as a result of pelvic, rectal spinal cord surgery
Medical Conditions
Certain individuals with diabetes and high blood pressure may be at a higher risk of developing the condition of retrograde ejaculation.
Some conditions that result in nerve damage, such as Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries or Multiple Sclerosis may also contribute to it.
The condition may also be related to structural urethra issues or occur as a result of radiation therapy in the pelvic area.
Certain medications have also been found to be associated with retrograde ejaculation.
Most notably, retrograde ejaculation may occur as a result of certain prostate medications, high blood pressure medications, and antidepressants.
How Do You Know It Is Retrograde Ejaculation?
The first reason most men suspect retrograde ejaculation is when they start having issues with fertility, but infertility is only one symptom. You should also be on the lookout for cloudy urine after an orgasm or when you produce little to no semen upon orgasm.
Of course, semen production reduces the more you orgasm (there are only so many times a man can ejaculate in a day).
So, is it bad to ejaculate a lot in a day? Not really, but you should see a decrease in the amount of seminal fluid being produced.
If semen production is limited even in the absence of increased sexual activity, there may be a reason for concern.
Retrograde ejaculation shouldn’t be confused with delayed ejaculation either.
One condition points to the absence of ejaculation, and the other relates to an inability to ejaculate in the average amount of time it takes a man to cum.
So, how long does it take to ejaculate? On average, it should take between 2 and 10 minutes.
The process for how to cure delayed ejaculation is different from retrograde ejaculation and often has a psychological component to it. Here, the focus will be on learning how to ejaculate faster.
With retrograde ejaculation, the process focuses on how to treat or remove the underlying cause of retrograde ejaculation.
How to Treat Retrograde Ejaculation?
Many men live with retrograde ejaculation and feel no need to seek treatment because it has no detrimental effect on their sexual lives or ability to experience sexual pleasure.
It may become an issue when the absence of ejaculation reduces your sexual satisfaction or when you want to father a child.
In these cases, there are some treatments that may be helpful. Treatment of this condition focuses on treating the underlying cause.
For example, pseudoephedrine, which is a widely known decongestant, has been found effective in treating retrograde ejaculation that occurred as a result of diabetes or surgery.
Medications that assist the sphincter in sealing tightly have also been used. These include imipramine, which is an older form of an antidepressant, and also certain antihistamines, such as chlorpheniramine.
It’s important to note that certain antihistamines such as pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine may contribute to increased blood pressure and heart rate, so be sure to keep an eye on this during treatment.
If it’s caused by certain medications, a doctor will recommend that you stop using that medication or try a different treatment option.
However, in cases where the condition is the result of severe nerve damage, treatment may be impossible.

Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises have also been recommended as a means of strengthening the muscles that control ejaculation.
This can allow for better control of these muscles which may prevent them from relaxing during orgasm and allow the ejaculate to pass through the urethra.
You can recognize these muscles by being aware of the muscles that stop and control your urination stream.
Contracting these muscles, holding the motion for a few seconds, and then releasing them counts as one Kegel exercise.
You should aim to do this about 10 times at least three to four times a day for the best results.
So, even if you suspect a diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation, there’s little cause for serious concern.
Sex will feel the same and should still be just as pleasurable as it would have been if you ejaculated out of your penis.
Unfortunately, retrograde ejaculation goes hand in hand with fertility issues so it can be problematic if you and your partner are trying to conceive.
Also, you may find that your rate of sexual pleasure decreases with the absence of ejaculation fluid upon orgasm.
The good news is that there are many viable treatment options unless retrograde ejaculation is caused by severe muscle damage.
At least you can rest assured that retrograde ejaculation, for the most part, is no cause for concern.
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