Healthy Living

8 Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy Level

Are you tired of drinking an ungodly amount of coffee just to stay awake? Struggling to keep your eyes open in an afternoon work meeting? Don’t worry—everyone’s been there at one point in their lives.

In fact, about one-third of teens, adults, and older adults reported feeling sleepy and tired all the time. Maybe you haven’t been sleeping well from work and life stress. Or that you wake up in the morning wishing you could go back to sleep. Regardless of why you feel low energy, chances are you cope by drinking more caffeinated products.

Caffeinated drinks like coffee and energy drinks are a bad idea for your energy levels on many different levels. While they typically give you a period of focus and attention, you’d most likely have to suffer through rebound tiredness when the caffeine wears off. Not only that, but it’s dangerously easy to go overboard and accidentally drink too much coffee, which can induce anxiety and elevate your perceived stress levels. Not to mention a slew of health conditions it might cause, like digestive issues, insomnia, and muscle breakdown.

Of course, the next best thing to do is to improve your energy levels sustainably. Fortunately, there are many ways to boost your energy levels over the long term, primarily through lifestyle habits and diet changes.

Are you tired of drinking an ungodly amount of coffee just to stay awake? Struggling to keep your eyes open in an afternoon work meeting? Don’t worry—everyone’s been there at one point in their lives.

In fact, about one-third of teens, adults, and older adults reported feeling sleepy and tired all the time. Maybe you haven’t been sleeping well from work and life stress. Or that you wake up in the morning wishing you could go back to sleep. Regardless of why you feel low energy, chances are you cope by drinking more caffeinated products.

Caffeinated drinks like coffee and energy drinks are a bad idea for your energy levels on many different levels. While they typically give you a period of focus and attention, you’d most likely have to suffer through rebound tiredness when the caffeine wears off. Not only that, but it’s dangerously easy to go overboard and accidentally drink too much coffee, which can induce anxiety and elevate your perceived stress levels. Not to mention a slew of health conditions it might cause, like digestive issues, insomnia, and muscle breakdown.

Of course, the next best thing to do is to improve your energy levels sustainably. Fortunately, there are many ways to boost your energy levels over the long term, primarily through lifestyle habits and diet changes.

Learn To Manage Your Stress

Although it’s normal for everyone to experience a certain amount of stress at any given moment, prolonged exposure to stress can do a number on your body. So if you feel more tired than usual and can’t manage your daily tasks, you might be experiencing the effects of chronic stress.

Stress affects your sleep quality and hours, which naturally causes you to be more sleepy in the morning. Not only that, but it also impacts your physical and mental health, further affecting your daily function and leading to more stress. So while you can’t eliminate stress from your life, you can manage it with coping and relaxation techniques, such as going on a daily walk, being sociable, yoga, and meditation. Once you can handle your daily stress level adequately, you should find your sleep schedule returning to normal and leading to better energy levels.

Sleep Better, Not More

Experts recommend sleeping between 6-8 hours per day, but that’s just a ballpark estimate meant for everyone. In reality, you should consider your daily activities, overall health, and sleep pattern to determine whether you’re getting enough sleep. Not only that, but you might also be feeling more sleepy as you’re paying off sleep debt when in fact, you might only need 6 hours of sleep a day.

It could take a bit of trial and error to figure out your optimal hours of sleep, but don’t forget that sleep quality is the most important thing here. It doesn’t matter if you’re in bed for 12 hours if you’re tossing and turning for most of them. Thankfully, certain foods like eggs, beef, and beans contain vitamins like B1 and B2 that help produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.

If you take naps during the day, you might be doing more harm than good since naps disrupt your circadian rhythm. To make it more comfortable to fall asleep at night, you can create the ideal sleep environment with the optimal temperature, comfort, and relaxation.

Get Movin’

Nobody can deny that exercise is essential, no matter how little or often you go to the gym. Scientists speculate that the endorphins secreted during a workout lead to better sleep quality, which causes you to have higher energy levels. That might be why people with sedentary lifestyles report higher fatigue levels despite lower activity levels.

Exercise doesn’t mean hitting the gym 2 hours a day, five times a week, though. Taking a casual morning stroll with your dog counts as exercise too. If you work a desk job, you can also get up and walk around every 30 minutes or take the stairs to work instead of the elevator. You’ll find yourself more energetic and ready to tackle your day once you establish a more active lifestyle.

Interested in pre-workout supplements then find out, “The Importance of Pre-Workout Supplements.”

Smoking Kills Your Energy Level

Even smokers themselves know that smoking is bad for their health. Despite the slight energy boost you get from nicotine, smoking can cause your energy levels to plummet in the long run.

Lowered oxygen levels in your blood might be one of the main reasons why you might feel more tired after a cigarette. When you smoke too much, various toxins like tar stick to your lungs, limiting your lungs’ oxygen-absorbing capacity. Because of this, your organs don’t receive the amount of oxygen they need, causing you to be more exhausted. If you’re a heavy smoker, the best way to restore your energy levels is to quit smoking. Quitting cold turkey can lead to more adverse side effects, though, so make sure to monitor how you and your body react to different methods to determine what’s best for you.

Keep Your Alcohol Consumption In Check

Let’s be honest—getting a nightcap or a glass of wine before bed can make you more sleepy. Alcohol is a strange substance since it’s both a sedative and a stimulus. It reduces the time required to fall asleep and lengthen deep sleep but would wake you up after a few hours.

As a result, people who drink alcohol regularly tend to have broken sleep and wake up feeling not too rested. That’s because alcohol disturbs your REM sleep—the most restorative sleep stage. Not only will your daily circadian rhythms be affected, but poor REM sleep will also reduce your stamina and energy levels.

There’s no harm in indulging every once in a while or social situations, but checking your daily alcohol consumption can bring your mood, stamina, and energy levels back on track.

Be Careful With Your Diet

One of your primary energy sources comes from your food, which is why it’s essential to avoid highly-processed foods when you’re battling low energy levels. You need a nutritious diet with plenty of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. A healthy diet can also reduce your chances of developing severe diseases and increase your energy levels. On the contrary, foods high in sugars and fats can adversely affect your health and energy levels.

But if you live in an area with small food choices, there’s no harm in boosting your diet with supplements. For example, the Men’s Daily Pack is an excellent alternative for anyone struggling to keep their nutrition in check.
With seven supplements in a convenient vitamin packet, you’re getting more than 102 high-quality vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential amino acids, and more from 42 types of fruits and vegetables every day. Because of the high nutrient content, you’re getting more than higher energy levels—you’re also reaping benefits like increased metabolism, improved sexual functions, and a more robust immune system.

Having trouble in the sack? Find out, “What’s The Link Between Healthy Diet and Good Sex?

Choose Natural Sugars Over Added Sugars

Like we’ve mentioned before, your diet plays a massive part in your energy levels. Whole foods like fruits, grains, and legumes have natural sugars with no added sugar and fat, making you feel fuller and more energetic. They are rich in gut-boosting fibers and antioxidants that keep you safe from diseases.

Natural sugars contain plenty of nutrients that provide and maintain energy. Our body needs to digest these nutrients slowly, giving you a continuous energy supply. When you consume these foods daily, it’s safe to say that your overall energy levels will also increase.

In contrast, added sugars are an instant source of energy—not permanent energy boosters. The sugar high keeps you hyper and active for a short time, but you’ll start feeling tired and exhausted when it wears off. Not only that, but excess sugar consumption can also lead to health issues like obesity and diabetes that cause more stress on your body.

Keep Yourself Fully Hydrated

Water is an essential component required by all our body’s cells to perform their best. Without proper hydration, the cells in your body start to shut down, resulting in tiredness and dehydration. When left unchecked, you’re looking at more severe health issues, like gut troubles, diarrhea, and fainting.

Because of this, you should reach for a glass of water and check your daily water intake before doing something more drastic to improve your energy levels. At a minimum, you should drink eight oz. of water a day, although this might change depending on your activity level and gender.

Are You Sure It’s Not Your Hormones?

Everybody knows of testosterone as the sex hormone, but few realize it plays a vital part in your energy levels. Low testosterone levels can lead to tiredness, fatigue, and lower stamina in men. Not only that, but a low t-count can also cause anxiety, irritability, and depression—all of which are bad for your sleep quality.

You can exercise more regularly and adopt a healthier diet to boost your testosterone levels. You can also take a natural t-booster like PrimeGENIX Testodren to stimulate your body to produce more testosterone. It is based on an organic blend of natural herbs and vitamins that are clinically proven to increase free testosterone in your system. Besides increasing your energy levels, a daily dose of Testodren also drastically improves your sexual performance, muscle building abilities and sharpens your focus.

About Thomas Arkenis

Avatar photoThomas is a natural health enthusiast and our resident journalist. He's an avid contributor to various traditional medicine conferences and forums, Thomas stays on top of the latest industry trends to bring you the latest product and ingredient innovations.

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