
Creatine HCL

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PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL is an expertly crafted creatine supplement designed to be more absorbable than creatine monohydrate, about 41X more absorbable, to be exact. With superior absorption rates, you can expect ENHANCED results and ELITE performance.

  • Fuel Lean Muscle Growth
  • Maximize Exercise Capacity
  • Stimulate Energy Increases
  • Boost Physical Strength
  • Recover Quicker Post-Workout
  • Flavorless Formula
  • Mixes Well In Liquid
  • Doctor-Endorsed Formulation

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Why Choose… Creatine HCL Over Creatine Monohydrate

With over 200 years’ worth of research… reported by MORE THAN 500 studies across the globe… and 30+ years of utilization for optimizing Olympians’ athletic prowess…

…it’s undeniable that creatine is highly effective for elevating the performance of athletes across the spectrum, from professionals to weekend warriors …

A clinical report published by the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients said:

Creatine supplementation represents a safe, effective, and legal method to enhance muscle size and strength1.

Yet evidence indicates one MAJOR issue exists with creatine monohydrate. That singular downside is…

…creatine monohydrate has been linked with a host of nasty side effects.

As bad as that sounds, it gets worse.


Because if you’re a man who’s 40+ and regularly supplementing with creatine monohydrate, it’s likely…

…you’re DEPRIVING YOURSELF of the MASSIVE growth potential this cutting-edge, powerfully-built, superior muscle enhancement system can provide!

Read on to learn why you may be “shooting yourself in the foot” by using creatine monohydrate. Before that…

You should know modern science has given us an advanced contemporary version of creatine known as Creatine HCL.

This breakthrough creatine construct is formulated to dissolve quickly… prompting tremendously AMPLIFIED ABSORPTION RATES and prodigiously MORE EFFICIENT GAINS.

“Creatine represents a natural supplement and ergogenic aid for sport performance2

The Evidence Is Clear… Creatine Monohydrate Has SERIOUS Absorption Difficulties Contributing To Decreased Efficacy & Negative Side Effects

The science is definitive:

Creatine monohydrate comes with substantial absorption difficulties due to its low solubility (in other words—it doesn’t entirely dissolve in H2O). Have you ever noticed when you stir your creatine in water, it never fully breaks down? There always seem to be “flakes” circling their way to the bottom, incapable of completely disintegrating. Instead, they linger and leave you with an unpleasant “chalky” texture. Yet that’s not even the worst of it…


…because those leftover creatine particles are utterly worthless. You see, your body can only properly absorb fully dissolved creatine. Those unwanted chunks simply get expelled by the digestive system. You could stir your creatine monohydrate all day and NEVER get all of it into your hungry muscles—a TON of that creatine you pay your hard-earned money for is literally flushed away.

The latest studies suggest this lack of solubility is responsible for triggering a variety of negative side effects related to creatine, such as:


Unpleasant Bloating


Cramping During Strenuous Activities


Undesirable Weight Increases

Water Retention

Excessive Water Retention


Nausea & Dizziness

Extreme Diarrhea

Extreme Diarrhea & The Creatine “Runs”

“Oral bioavailability of CM [Creatine Monohydrate] is less than complete.3”

These Problems Only Worsen As We Age Into Our 40s & 50s

Even young men in the middle of their prime can suffer the unfortunate negative side effects touched upon here. However…

… once you turn 40, 50, and beyond, the likelihood as well as the severity of these issues only increases. There are many reasons this unfortunate fact is our reality…

Reason #1

The Body Begins Having Greater Difficulty Absorbing Compounds Like Creatine Monohydrate As We Age

Scientific studies report that the human digestive system degrades with age, making absorbing compounds with low solubility even more untenable. As a result, your body is LESS LIKELY to utilize creatine and MORE LIKELY to exhibit negative side effects.


Sure enough, a study was designed to understand how efficiently younger guys absorbed creatine compared to older men. The goal was to measure the precise difference. What do you think they found?

Following 5 days of ingesting 20 grams worth of creatine monohydrate per day, participants in their 20s experienced a 35% increase in creatine inside their muscle tissue.

And the older men?

Sadly, those gentlemen (in their 70s) saw a minuscule “jump” of just 7%. Can you imagine swallowing all that supplement for such a tiny improvement?

Graph: Post 40, Creatine Absorption Rates Decline Substantially

Reason #2

The Body’s Capacity To Organically Secrete Creatine Lessens Over Time

Were you aware that your body can naturally produce creatine?

It’s true. However, as we get on in years, it does so LESS and LESS competently. In time, creatine levels can be diminished to a fraction of what they once were. That means older guys must supplement with MORE creatine just to achieve adequate levels.

What’s a man to do about that?

Should you DOUBLE UP on creatine monohydrate?

That wouldn’t be the wisest decision. Not only will that cost you an arm and a leg, but it will also enormously increase the likelihood of many negative side effects. Even with excessive consumption, creatine monohydrate still WON’T necessarily supply optimal outcomes.

So, why not consider a cleaner, more efficient form of creatine with higher solubility and greater bioavailability to promote enhanced absorption for EXCEPTIONAL results?

Graph: Depicting decrease of creatine by age
PrimeGENIX Creatine HCL PrimeGENIX Creatine HCL

Should Men In Their 40s & 50s Consider Creatine HCL To Be The Ideal Option?

As mentioned above, when you reach your middle-aged years, your creatine production and ability to absorb creatine PLUMMETS. This unfortunate downhill slide continues year after year.

Thus, a more absorbable creatine configuration is 100% NECESSARY to help you maximize your gains and reach your full potential.

We firmly believe that Creatine HCL is the premier choice for men in their 40s and 50s who’d like to maximize lean muscle mass and boost physical performance.

Creatine HCL is constructed using hydrochloride (HCL). By combining high-quality creatine with hydrochloride, Creatine HCL breaks down and absorbs NOTABLY FASTER —allowing you to reap the full range of benefits this FORMIDABLE compound offers.

Creatine HCL Is Over 40X MORE Soluble Than Creatine Monohydrate!

Exactly how much more efficient is Creatine HCL?

Research has concluded that Creatine HCL is 41X more soluble in H20 than creatine monohydrate. That difference is GIGANTIC! Because…

… Creatine HCL dissolves almost instantly, in mere seconds rather than minutes.

But that’s not all… a comprehensive study noted combining HCL with creatine helped to escalate absorption in the digestive tract by an impressive 60%!

Think about the huge surge in improvements you’ll experience by absorbing 60% more creatine. The change could be TRANSFORMATIVE for your exercise capabilities and physical prowess.

Creatine HCL vs Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine HCL Developed By PrimeGENIX®

PrimeGENIX® is the original and, to this day, the only fitness supplement manufacturer devoted to assisting men in Gen-X (born between 1965-1980) look, feel, think, and perform like the best possible version of themselves with supplements specially designed to combat the degradative impact of aging.

That’s why the highly skilled team at PrimeGENIX® designed Creatine HCL to provide optimal solubility and enhanced bioavailability—making it the #1 creatine supplement for men aged 40 and over.

With enhanced absorption rates, you should anticipate MORE creatine reaching your muscle FASTER for superior tissue growth and recovery results!

Creatine HCL

No Reported Side-Effects

Free Of Bloating

Free Of Muscle Cramps

Free Of Weight Gain

Free Of Water Retention

Free Of Nausea

Free Of Diarrhea

Simple To Use Any Time

Just 2g A Day

PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL is simple to use anywhere, at any time. You’ll be happy to witness how quickly it dissolves for a finer consumption experience with no “chalky” texture.

ADDITIONALLY… there’s no reason to “load” with PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL. With just 2 grams a day, you’ll notice tangible improvements in no time. Thanks to Creatine HCL’s elite absorption rates, there’s absolutely no need to “load” or use uncomfortably high doses. In fact…

… research shows consuming 2 grams of Creatine HCL can have the same effect as 20 grams of creatine monohydrate!

Creatine HCL Supplement facts

Flavorless Formula

PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL is 100% flavorless for your benefit. That means you don’t need to be concerned about paying for a flavored creatine you don’t enjoy. You can add Creatine HCL to your favorite nutritional shake or sports drink without polluting the taste.

Achieve ENHANCED Performance With PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL

Maybe you’re brand new to creatine supplementation or have only used creatine monohydrate. Either way, our highly soluble creatine can help you to achieve better results than ever before. With greater bioavailability and enhanced absorption rates, you’ll be amazed at the progress you make!

  • Optimize Energy Levels
  • Maximize Physical Strength
  • Elevate Athletic Performance
  • Fuel Lean Muscle Growth
  • Lessen Recovery Time
  • Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Supported By A 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee

PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL comes to you FREE OF RISK for 67 days with our 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.

It works like this:

After placing your order here today, you’ll have up to 67 days to open, try, and use PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL. If you’re unsatisfied with your experience, just return the packaging (empty or full) to receive a refund of the purchase price.

Does that seem fair to you?

Give It A Try Today!

It’s YOUR chance to give this highly-absorbable form of creatine a shot!

We think you’ll be ENAMORED with the gains you achieve right from the get-go.

But ultimately, the decision is yours and yours only!

Order risk-free today.

You’ll be thrilled that you did!

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HCL stands for hydrochloride. Hydrochloride is an organically produced salt that exists naturally in the human body. Many elite vitamins and pharmaceuticals use hydrochloride (HCL) to enhance the absorption rates of their vital bioactive compounds.

Thus, Creatine HCL comes from the addition of hydrochloride to our high-quality creatine molecules. The result is greater absorption and more efficient results.

There are several reasons why Creatine HCL can supply superior results compared to creatine monohydrate.

Dissolves Quickly & Completely: Unlike creatine monohydrate, which never fully dissolves and requires lots of wasted time stirring, Creatine HCL mixes rapidly, dissolves completely, and eliminates any “chalky” texture.

Greater Bioavailability: Creatine HCL is more efficiently absorbed in your digestive tract, increasing the likelihood of saturating your muscles with optimal creatine levels.

PrimeGENIX® strives to support optimal health outcomes for men born into Generation X. By combining high-quality ingredients that work synergistically, our scientifically supported supplements can help guys achieve their fitness goals.

As you’re aware, our bodies change significantly with age. And the majority of fitness supplements cater to younger men. PrimeGENIX® products, on the other hand, are perfectly formulated for men in their 40s and 50s.

That’s why Creatine HCL is designed to be easily absorbed for sustainable, efficient benefits, making it a unicorn in the creatine supplement market.

No. There’s no reason to “load” with PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL, thanks to its enhanced bioavailablity.

No. You don’t need to “cycle” with PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL because our high-quality creatine is research-supported and known to be safe for daily use over multiple years.

That said, you should consult your physician before beginning any long-term supplement regimen.

PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL is simple to use. You can even tailor usage to your life.

You’re able to use this creatine supplement PRE- or POST-workout, though evidence suggests post-workout usage may promote better results.

And you’ll want to take a serving early on your “off days” to saturate your muscles with creatine for optimal daily performance.

Each serving contains 2 grams of Creatine HCL.

A container of PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL provides 60 servings.

Simply scroll up and click the button to get the best deals on PrimeGENIX® Creatine HCL. Bulk orders offer significant savings.

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