Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes new skin cells to grow at a faster rate, forming gray, itchy patches. These patches can be painful and change in size, location, and thickness.
Psoriasis is a relatively common skin condition and can flare-up at any time, often when it’s most inconvenient, like right before your best friend’s wedding. Fortunately, relief can be found in natural solutions.
Keeping your skin thoroughly moisturized helps reduce the chances of psoriasis flare-ups because dry skin is more susceptible to psoriasis outbreaks. Fully hydrated skin is your best weapon against itchiness and scales.
To get the best skin you can this year, focus on your pores as well and check out our article, “Clear and Protect Your Skin for Good This Summer.”
How Do You Treat Psoriasis Naturally?
Not long ago the only option for treating psoriasis was to get a prescription from your doctor. Along with the medicinal smell, these medications were also full of chemical ingredients. In recent years, natural products for chronic skin conditions are becoming more popular. As a result, there are more psoriasis topicals and moisturizers on the market than ever before.
Rather than wading through the sea of moisturizing products hoping to find one that’s free of dyes, fragrances, and other unnatural ingredients–why not try the all-natural route? Forget trying to figure out the difference between a “natural” moisturizer and an “organic” one.
All natural moisturizers can help control your symptoms and keep your skin feeling comfortable, using simple ingredients you can pick up with your weekly groceries. Some may already be in your pantry right now.
Let’s take a look at nine of the best natural moisturizers for treating psoriasis.
Top 9 All Natural Moisturizers to Soothe Your Skin
When it comes to psoriasis treatment, what works well for one person may not work at all for another. Don’t be discouraged. It may take some time to find the right treatment for you. We hope that one of the nine best natural moisturizers on our list will help reduce or prevent your symptoms of psoriasis.
We suggest speaking with your doctor before trying home remedies to reduce the risk of interactions with medications. Once you’ve tried a natural moisturizer, it’s important to monitor your symptoms to ensure your home remedy isn’t aggravating your psoriasis.
Home remedies like natural moisturizers may improve your psoriasis symptoms when used on their own or with medical treatment. Most of us only moisturize after showering, but if you’re living with psoriasis, it’s a good idea to moisturize several times throughout the day.

#1 Buttermilk
Buttermilk is the residual liquid left after they churn butter out of cream. It can be easily purchased from your local market, though preparing your own ensures you get the most nutrients.
Buttermilk is a great source of minerals and vitamins and is high in lactic acid, which helps prevent dehydration and dry skin. Besides reducing symptoms associated with psoriasis, buttermilk may address gut-related issues such as acidity, bloating, and indigestion.
You can experience the healing and moisturizing benefits of buttermilk whether you use it topically or ingest it. As a beverage, you can consume liberal amounts of buttermilk to treat various diseases and digestive disorders.
To use buttermilk topically, you can rinse your scalp to relieve inflammation or dip a cloth in the liquid. After soaking the cloth, apply it to your face, or wherever plaque is present, for five to ten minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Avoid using this method if the affected skin is cracked as buttermilk can aggravate your psoriasis if it enters your skin through these cracks.

#2 Avocados
Much like buttermilk, avocados provide numerous health benefits both as a part of your diet and as a topical application. Avocado fat is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which we know help prevent dryness and flakiness while moisturizing the skin. As a result, avocados may help reduce the impact or frequency of your psoriatic symptoms.
Many “anti-psoriasis” diets suggest incorporating more avocado in your diet not only because it makes food taste better, but because it can help your body better absorb nutrients from other foods.
Along with the healthy omega-3 fats, avocados are also packed with vitamins A, D, and E–all of which have anti-aging properties. Applying fresh avocado cream directly to your skin helps lubricate every layer of your skin.
To use, save some cream inside the peel after you eat a ripe avocado. Take the cream and rub it lightly on your face or directly to plaque and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.

#3 Raw Virgin Coconut Oil
Coconut oil comes from the white part of a coconut and has two forms–refined and unrefined (aka virgin). Refined coconut oil is taken from dried coconut, has a neutral odor, and is used for stir-frying, baking, and other cooking.
Unrefined coconut oil comes from fresh coconut fruit. Sometimes referred to as “cold-pressed”, virgin coconut oil smells like coconuts. It can be used to bake and cook but also has the most health benefits for your skin.
Coconut oil is high in fatty acids that quickly absorb into the skin, making it a great natural moisturizer. The acids in coconut oil help lubricate dry patches from the inside out and lock moisture in by forming a barrier.
The key is to rub small amounts of coconut oil on psoriasis plaques, as you would any other moisturizer. Rub a little between your hands to liquify it before applying it to your skin. We can also use Coconut oil on the scalp to help loosen psoriasis scales so medication can get to the skin below.

#4 Manuka Honey
Honey can be used for more than just as a natural sweetener, it can also provide a plethora of health benefits. Packed with anti-bacterial nutrients and antioxidants, Manuka honey helps unclog pores, reduce wrinkles, and soothes psoriasis symptoms.
Manuka honey has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to reduce infection in wounds and reduce wound recovery time1. Manuka honey’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin inflammation, improving symptoms of psoriasis.
To apply, mix two (2) tablespoons of honey with eight (8) tablespoons of water until you form a paste. Apply the mixture to your affected skin and let it dry completely. Then gently wash it off with warm water.

#5 Aloe Vera
Pure aloe vera gel, whether from a fresh-cut aloe plant or from a health food store, helps reduce inflammation and soothes minor burns, cuts, and scraps. Thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, and fungicidal properties, aloe vera promotes healing and cell growth.
Research has shown that the compounds in aloe vera help the skin retain moisture so your skin can stay hydrated without feeling greasy2. Its cooling sensation also helps calm irritated skin.
Aloe vera tablets have not been proven to help reduce psoriasis symptoms, so it’s a good idea to steer clear of them. In fact, the National Psoriasis Foundation warns that taking aloe vera internally may cause harm.
If you choose to buy a bottle of aloe vera cream or gel, be sure to select a product that is unscented and contains at least 0.5% aloe. When possible, try to choose products that don’t contain any ingredients other than aloe vera.

#6 Olive Oil (with Lavender Oil)
Olive oil has been shown to ease psoriasis symptoms as a topical as well as an ingredient in your diet. Studiessuggest that by following a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes extra-virgin olive oil, you can help prevent psoriasis from worsening3.
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E, making it a great moisturizer. These natural acids may also help reduce sun damage on your skin and fight inflammation.
You can apply it directly to your skin where you have psoriasis plaques or soak your body in a warm olive oil bath. Add two teaspoons of warmed olive oil and a couple drops of lavender essential oil to your warm bath water and enjoy a soothing soak.
If baths aren’t your thing, try massaging some olive oil into your scalp during a shower to help remove psoriasis flakes from your scalp.

#7 Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is an effective anti-inflammatory that has been used to treat a variety of conditions from athlete’s foot to psoriasis. Studies have suggested that tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties as well4.
Shampoos with tea tree oil as an ingredient may help reduce psoriasis on your scalp, but its effectiveness as an ingredient requires more research. As a result, applying tea tree oil directly to your skin is the preferred method.
Because of its potency, it’s recommended that you mix 1 part tea tree oil to 10 parts olive oil before dabbing the mixture on affected areas with a cotton ball. Since tea tree oil is a known allergen, it’s a good idea to test a small patch and watch for reaction before applying fully.

#8 Oatmeal Baths
Oatmeal has long been known to help relieve itchiness and inflammation, which is why oatmeal baths are often recommended. Researchhas proven that oatmeal baths provide a natural way to soothe your skin and reduce itching5.
If you want the relief of an oatmeal bath without the cleanup, try one of the following tips:
- Fill a leg of pantyhose with a half-cup of uncooked oats and knot it at the top. Then drop it in the warm water before you step in.
- OR grind a few handfuls of plain oatmeal in a food processor or blender. Then sprinkle the powder into your bath water.
Although oatmeal baths are effective for calming itchiness, soaking for too long can produce the opposite result. Extended oatmeal baths can be very drying, which can exacerbate your psoriasis. Baths that are too hot can also strip your skin of its natural oils and cause irritation.
Once you’ve enjoyed a warm, relaxing oatmeal soak (15 minutes max), apply one of the recommended natural moisturizers from our list. Using a moisturizer while your skin is still damp or within five minutes of taking a bath will help prevent moisture loss.

#9 Argan Oil
Argan oil is one of the best natural moisturizers in skin care. Loaded with essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants, argan oil benefits whole body health. Studies have shown that everything from your skin and nails to your hair and heart health can benefit from argan oil.
Argan oil is a carrier oil, not an essential oil, and it comes in two forms–culinary and cosmetic. Cosmetic argan oil should not be ingested. Since argan oil isn’t an essential oil, it can be applied directly to the skin or combined with other essential oils without the risk of irritation.
Argan oil’s hydrating effects can help your skin feel better following psoriasis outbreaks6. It may also reduce inflammation, protect your skin from the sun, and improve your skin’s metabolism. Various studies into the healing properties of argan oil have examined its anti-aging and postmenopausal benefits, as well as skin and heart health.
We recommend Skinception® Cold-Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil™, made from 100% pure argan oil, as a great entry into natural skin care. It’s both affordable and proven effective for easing psoriasis symptoms. As an added assurance, in case you are unhappy with your results, Skinception offers a 67-day money-back guarantee.
The Best Natural Moisturizers to Treat Your Psoriasis
Currently, there’s no known cure for psoriasis. And although there are medical treatments and medications to help manage the disease, they offer no guarantee for alleviating all symptoms of psoriasis.
Natural moisturizers are a great alternative if medical treatment has been unsuccessful. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, emollient creams (aka moisturizers) are a standard treatment for psoriasis when used with other therapies.
If you want to naturally relieve your psoriasis symptoms and reduce the occurrence of flare-ups, try one of the best natural moisturizers on the market – Skinception® Cold-Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil™. You’ll be on your way to clearer, less irritated skin in no time!